E-commerce growth

The difference between generic searches and long-tail.

Generic keywords  are the most common keywords within a niche, because the search volume is higher and thus the competition. Because keywords are broad become the accuracy, relevance and conversion rate lower. This is because it is difficult to determine the intuition the user when the search is performed on the broad keyword. Long-tail  searches  consist of several words combined with the generic keyword. In these cases, the search volume and competition lower. However, the accuracy and relevance of the higher because the user is more specific in their search.

Long-tail searches based on your primary keyword

Long-tail phrases are then associated with your primary keywords, this makes the possibility appear organically is very large. An example of this (as we see below) dishwashers. A search on the generic keyword dishwasher is very wide and it is difficult to determine the intuition. However, if you combine the word with different variables as size, quality, price, and functionality, you have more phrases to optimise towards, and the intuition behind the search becomes clearer. These combinations are not quite as competitive and thereby increasing your chances to rank well organically.

What are the benefits of long-tail?

One of the main benefits of optimising their SEO on long-tail searches is that it is easier to rank in high positions. By strategically choosing to optimise the most long-tail phrases may ultimately result in more organic traffic than the generic keywords.Another benefit is that the chances of conversion increases as the relevance and the intent behind the search becomes higher. In conclusion, it is important to constantly look back to your particular business and what your target audience wants, and find a combination between generic and long-tail phrases to optimise against and try to rank on.

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